So tonight, I feel asleep on the couch and when I woke up, found I had a pee sized bump on the side of my head (behind my ear, right by my hairline towards the bottom). I was hard, and (still is) kinda painful. There was another smaller lump next to it; the swelling extended under my hair. It was 8:30pm, and I was home alone here. I thought for-sure it was a black widow and I was going to die. OK. so didn't think I was going to die, but did want someone to reassure that I wouldn't. So what did I do like any logical child, home alone, with no friends near by? Called and woke up Mom- at midnight her time- while she was on vacation. Freaked her out since she had no idea what it was either, and successfully ruined her night of sleep and relaxation. Wow. Am I a good daughter or what? :) Well, a few hours later and the pain is still there, but the swelling is going down. Katie came home and checked it out- no bite marks like a spider, but seems to far up to be a gland, and too firm to be a mosquito (and doesn't really itch).
So. There ya go. Mysterious bites from the creatures of San Diego to welcome Caitlin.
Oh, other than that: orientation for the Jewel Ball job was a total waste of time, as orientations often are... but was fine overall. I don't expect too hard of a job. :) And made it to the beginning and end of the Art Group. Fun. Neat lady leading it. Guess what? I'm more of an extrovert than an introvert. Who would have thunk! ;)
Night all!