Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Final Piece

I was thinking about looking at STIs on campus for my final piece, but I’m not sure how I’d go about doing that. I spoke with Lisa of the Health Center and they have no data about STI rates on campus for many reasons. I am thinking about just speaking with students about their experiences, but I am not sure what my “point” would be in that case. I’m still thinking of ideas. There is a lot of information about the new HPV vaccine, so maybe I could look into that. I could speak with students who have taken it or are in the middle of their course of shots as well as providers of the shots.

1 comment:

MJS said...

It would be very difficult to get any reasonably accurate information regarding STIs on Kalamazoo College's campus because of the stringent laws protecting medical privacy. I doubt that anyone with any STI would be willing to tell you that they are infected either.

If you are truely set on that topic maybe your piece could be an educational article meant to educate Kalamazoo College's student population about the dangers and signs of STIs. This would effectively warn students as well as promote knowledge that may lead people that are carrying STIs to get tested.

Perhaps you could find a local STI support group or maybe a doctor that would be willing to tell yo about the physical, social, and mental effects of STIs.